Putting in my two-cents

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Batty Returns...

Hello again! As i left things last night, I was sleeping soundly in my bed as my new friend "Batty" was hanging out just outside my door. As i left for work this morning, he was out there taking a snooze on my neighbour's door frame. I figured i'd leave him be and deal with him later.

So I got home after work and talked to the lady that worked downstairs in the salon and we devised a plan in catching Batty. I grabbed a container and a piece of cardboard and went to work. The most difficult part was trying to trap the bat without him waking up, the rest was easy as i slid the cardboard to fully trap him. I then ran outside and gently dropped the trap on to the ground hoping he would just fly away. He didn't....he sat there just squeaking away. There he was so helpless and sad. I just figured the light disabled him

(I've been watching/reading a lot of vampire stories[Angel, True Blood, Twilight], so all the myths about vampires kind of transferred onto Bats.)

Anyway, i picked him up and tried to look for a cardboard box so he could rest until nightfall, but before that I decided to take a picture. As i took the picture, he flew away confused.....
I hope to never see that lil guy again....and I hope this story about Batty is finally over with....

What a coincidence that Batty came by days before Halloween....hmmmmm

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