Putting in my two-cents

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's a bird, its a plane, its.....

Hello everyone and Thank you for tuning in (you know who u are)...let's see if we can make this work

I got attacked by a bat tonight. 9:48pm on a Monday night. Here i was minding my own business in my 'pad' and I heard rustling outside my door. Opened the door and in the hallway i thought i saw a bird, but it wasn't. By the way it was flapping its ugly-ass wings, i knew it wasn't a bird....it was a bat. Never have i seen one in real life, but i have seen my share of Batman movies soooo i would know....

...filthy bloodsucker.....

P.s. i'm fine...but it's still out there. Let's hope this is the last time i talk about this subject

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